03.01.20 Sol's Navel Orange Gummies
Ever since we quit sugar when at home, my girls have come up with some clever ways to make homemade sweets. One of Sol’s favorite recipes are all kinds of gummies. Our navel orange tree is unstoppable and needed some harvesting so she used about 8 oranges to make a new batch of gummies for the week. Here’s what she did.
Sol’s Navel Orange Gummies
Heat 1 cup of orange juice with 2 cups of water.
In a small bowl mix 3 TBS gelatin and 1 tsp stevia crystals. Add this to oj and water mixture when hot enough to disintegrate gelatin.
Pour mixture into a glass container. Allow to cool to room temperature and then refrigerate for 4 hours.
Cut gummies into small squares and store in a new glass container in fridge.